Don’t have an extra keyboard or HDMI cable? Here’s how to do a headless install on your Pi. Raspbian Step 1. Download Raspbian Image Head on over to grab a copy of the Raspbian image. The “Lite” version will do. here Step 2. Write Image to SD Card Write the image to SD card. You can find detailed instructions . here Step 3. Add “SSH” File to the SD Card Root Enable by placing a file named “ssh” (without any extension) onto the boot partition of the SD card: SSH Step 4. Boot your Pi Pop your prepared SD card, power and a network cable into the Pi. Step 5. Find your Pi’s IP Address To configure your Pi, you need the IP address. You can find this in your Router’s DHCP lease allocation table: Step 6. SSH into your Pi Use your favourite SSH client (I prefer ) to access the Pi. The default credentials are: PuTTY username: pipassword: raspberry Step 7. Configure your Pi That’s it! You can now via configure your Pi sudo raspi-config Originally published at
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