If you’ve been sharing a link on any social media, embedding it on a webpage or even sending it by iMessage, you’ve probably seen the preview “card”. Either a version without an image like this: Even more handy - and beautiful - a preview of the page, consisting of an image, heading and a short intro: This is achieved by using some specific with a richer presentation. The actual meta tags to make use of Open Graph and Twitter cards is well described in the link above. For images specifically, ensure that these are included on your webpage: “meta tags” that will magically enhance the link <meta property= content= > <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="Alt text for image"> "og:image" "https://foo.com/thumbnail.jpg" < = = > meta name "twitter:image" content " https://foo.com/thumbnail.jpg" Most Content Management Systems (CMS) offer some level of social preview images, but what if your article doesn’t have a featured image suitable for social media usage? Further, the impact might be better with some relevant text on the image. In the following we’ll see how to make use of the JAMstack hosting service and . Netlify ImageEngine as the image CDN for caching Generate Social Share Images with Netlify and ImageEngine This guide is inspired by ’s post on how to make use of Netlify’s serverless functions to generate a preview image and upload to Cloudinary. However, it struck me as very inconvenient and unnecessarily complex to explicitly upload every image to Cloudinary. Ryan Filler This is where ImageEngine comes in with a higher “plug and play”-factor and improved performance. Aside from using ImageEngine as the alternative to Cloudinary, the architecture, tools and approach is very similar to Ryan’s: TL;DR; We’re making a webpage containing the preview text, screenshotting it and caching it on ImageEngine’s image CDN. We’re going to use and Netlify to make a simple JAMstack webpage. Svelte Here’s a simple overview of the all the moving parts: Set Up a Webpage on Netlify We’ll work our way from the right to the left in the diagram above. First we need to develop a page that can dynamically display a heading and a short description. We’ll make it dynamic by making it accept url parameters that holds the content of the page: ?tilte=My% title&desc=Summary 20 We can use the example from to generate a template that we can adapt to our needs: svelte.dev npx degit sveltejs/template my-svelte-project # or download and extract .zip file cd my-svelte-project npm install npm run dev this I’ll not go into further details, assuming that node and npm is known territory. In order to make the page display the contents from the query string, change the file like this: main.js App ; params = URLSearchParams( .location.search) app = App({ : .body, props: { : params.get( ), : params.get( ) } }); app; import from './App.svelte' //Read the URL parameters const new window const new target document //Put the values of the URL params into props title 'title' desc 'desc' export default will hold the markup of the webpage. We need to reference the “props” from : App.svelte main.js {title} {desc} < > script title; desc; export let export let </ > script < > main < > h1 </ > h1 < > p </ > p </ > main For your convenience, here is a . github repository with the Svelte project After you’ve decided on a look and feel of the page, you’ll need to upload to githib.com too. Simply because we need it in github for the next step; Put it on . Again, assuming this part is known territory. If not, the process is . Netlify well documented At the end of the process, you’ll have a webpage that can be accessed like this: https://youthful-jones-fe1131.netlify.app/?title=My%20Title&desc=Her%27s%20the%20short%20symmary Capture screenshot with a Netlify function Now, moving one step to the left in the diagram above, we’re ready to craft a function in Netlify which can access that url and capture a screenshot. I’ll refer to the in our github project. You’ll also need to add some lines to the file for that to work. sample function package.json After committing the updates to github, Netlify must be the function. Main thing is to tell Netlify which folder the function is located in, through the UI or a netlify.toml file. In our example, there is a folder called 'functions' at the root of the project with a file named capture.js. configured to pick up The function will now capture an image of the page we made earlier: https://youthful-jones-fe1131.netlify.app/.netlify/functions/capture?title=My%20Title&desc=Her%27s%20the%20short%20symmary Sign Up with ImageEngine Now, we just created the origin we’ll use when we set up ImageEngine as we move to the left in our diagram above. To get an ImageEngine account, simply sign up for a . At the step where you’re asked for the image origin, input your Netlify hostname: free trial at imageengine.io When you complete the configuration, you’ll get an ImageEngine delivery address assigned. To access the preview image you can just replace the Netlify hostname with your ImageEngine delivery address. For example if your ImageEnigne delivery address is `xxxx.cdn.imgeng.in`, the complete url to the preview images is: https://xxxx.cdn.imgeng.in/.netlify/functions/capture?title=My%20Title&desc=Her%27s%20the%20short%20symmary Refer to the Preview Image on your Webpage Finally, we’re at the left most step in the diagram above. The link above is the one we’ll put into the tags on our blog page that we will share in social media: <meta> < = = > meta property "og:image" content "https://xxxx.cdn.imgeng.in/.netlify/functions/capture?title=My%20Title&desc=Her%27s%20the%20short%20smmary" < = = = = "> meta name "twitter:image" content ”https://xxxx.cdn.imgeng.in/.netlify/functions/capture?title My%20Title&desc Her%27s%20the%20short%20summary < = = > meta name "twitter:card" content "summary_large_image" < = = > meta name "twitter:image:alt" content "Alt text for image" When someone shares that page on twitter, facebook, or other social media, the preview image will be displayed. Then we’re moving from the left to the right in our diagram. At least the first time. Subsequent requests, once the image with appropriate text has been generated, the image will be served by the ImageEngine CDN directly. There is one more thing that is recommended to do: Make sure ImageEngine is caching your preview image for a long time. By doing so, our Netlify function will not have to capture a new screenshot that often, and the image will simply load faster. You can adjust the “time to live” (TTL) in the . control panel of your ImageEngine account documented here Final Result The review of the link looks much better when shared on social media. Maybe even better than with an image from the actual article! Try sharing this article on any social media so see a demo: https://youthful-jones-fe1131.netlify.app/demoblog.html For reference, the complete project with all the plumbing, is available . here To use this on a “production” site, some features should be added. For example, some security to make sure the functionality is not abused by other sites than yours. Some security features can also be enabled in ImageEngine.
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